Facebook Ads Size: Image and Video

Facebook Ads Size

I am a media buyer and I do Facebook Advertising regularly. But there’s this one thing that troubles me much more than other factors. That’s keeping track as well as communicating the different types of ad formats, contents, and different guidelines to the creative team for each ad type. Often I tend to forget what should be the image size for a collection ad or what should be the ratio for a page-like campaign ad content. I wondered, what if there is one place where these requirements will be given to make my life easier? 

Can you relate this problem to yourself? Then, this blog is for you. In this blog, you will get to know about Facebook ad format, Facebook ad content type, Facebook ad image size, video specs, and all the necessary guidelines. 

Facebook Ad Placement

Before knowing Facebook ad dimensions, knowing about Facebook ad placement location is a must. 

You can place your ads in the following sections-

  • Facebook Feed
  • Facebook In-stream Videos
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Facebook Stories
  • Facebook Reels
  • Facebook Right Column 
  • Messenger Stories
  • Messenger Feed

Types of Facebook ads content

Image Ads

Media Buyers use a single image with a call to action in this type of ad. This type of ad performs well for showcasing products and grabbing customer attention. Ad copy also plays a vital role here.

Video Ads

Video ads perform better than image ads in most cases. You can create a story of your business and show your products. This format is highly effective

Carousal ads

Carousel ad is perfect if you want to show multiple products or contents in a single ad. You can showcase the collection of products that you have. 

Collection ads

This type of ad works best for E-commerce platforms. It allows the customer to explore and purchase directly. 

Facebook ad formats by objective

There are 6 objectives for running a Facebook ad. These are-

  • Awareness
  • Traffic
  • Engagement
  • Lead Generation
  • App Promotion
  • Sales

Depending on your chosen objective, Facebook allows different types of ad content. The following table shows which ad formats are supported by objective

Ad formats supported by objective:






Instant Experience
























App Promotion












Facebook Ads Size

Facebook Feed Ad 

The most popular Facebook ad placement is undoubtedly the Facebook feed. Hence, competition is higher. To increase your ad ROAS you not only have to create visually appealing and engaging content but also maintain the guidelines given by Facebook

Facebook Ads Size: Feed

The formal sizes and specifications for 

Facebook ad images for feeds are:

Recommended image size: at least 1080 x 1080 pixels

Image ratio: 1.91:1 to 1:1

Image Text: No more than 20%

Image file types: JPG or PNG (Note: animated GIFS should be uploaded as a video ad)

Guideline for the texts

Text: 125 characters (if there is no link)

Headline: 27 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Link Description: 27 characters

Technical Requirements

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum width: 600 pixels

Minimum height: 600 pixels

Facebook Ads Size

Facebook Ads Size: Video

Video is one of the most popular Facebook ad formats. 

Effectively, Facebook Feed Video Ads are the same as 

Facebook Feed Image Ads, but they use a video in place of a still image.


Design recommendations


File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only) 

Video settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at over 128 kbps

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 

Video captions: Optional, but recommended

Video sound: Optional, but recommended


It is recommended to upload the highest-resolution source video available without letter or pillar boxing (no black bars).


Text recommendations


Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 27 characters 

Description: 27 characters


Technical requirements


Video duration: 1 second to 241 minutes

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Minimum width: 120 pixels

Minimum height: 120 pixels

Facebook Ads Size: Facebook Carousal


In Carousal ads, users can swipe through the various slides of a 

carousel ad to see different items offered. 

Carousel ads can comprise a mix of still images and videos.


Carousal Ads Placement Options


Facebook Carousel ads are quite versatile, and brands can use 

them in numerous locations:


  • Facebook Feed (Image and Video)
  • Facebook Right Column
  • Facebook Instant Articles
  • Facebook Marketplace
  • Facebook Audience Network Native, Banner, 

and Interstitial


Facebook Ads Image Size for Carousals


Image file type: JPG or PNG 

Ratio: 1:1 

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 

Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 32 characters 

Description: 18 characters 

Landing page URL: Required.

Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10

Image maximum file size: 30 MB

Facebook Ads Video Specs for Carousals


Video file type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Video maximum file size: 4 GB

Video duration: 1 second to 240 minutes

Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Number of carousel cards: 2 to 10

Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 32 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Description: 18 characters 

Landing page URL: Required.

Facebook Ads Size

Facebook Ads Size: Collection ads                                   

Facebook collection ad allows people to browse a product catalog 

on mobile. Each collection ad contains a main video or image with 

supported 4 smaller accompanying images in a grid-like layout. 


When somebody clicks on a Collection Ad, they are taken to a 

fast-loading visual post-click experience powered by 

Instant Experience, without leaving Facebook.


Facebook Ads Image Size for Collection Ads


Image type: JPG or PNG 

Ratio: 1:1 

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 

Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Landing page URL: Required

Instant Experience: required.

Image maximum file size: 30 MB


Facebook Video Specs for Collection Ads


Minimum resolution: 1080 x 1080

Video maximum file size: 4 GB

Video file type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 40 characters 

Landing page URL: Required

Facebook Ads Size

Facebook Ads Size: In-Stream Video Ads

Facebook In-stream Video Ads allow advertisers to deliver 5-15 second, non-skippable, mid-roll video ads to people who are already watching Facebook videos on a mobile device. They are like the types of ads that YouTube has made available for some time.

They have a high success rate because they don’t appear until at least 60 seconds into the main video. By this point, people are settled into their video and are unlikely to stop watching simply because of an ad. They are effectively short commercial breaks in the main video

Design recommendations

File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only) 

Video settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at over 128 kbps

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 

Video captions: Optional, but recommended

Video sound: Optional, but recommended

Recommended to upload the highest-resolution source video available without letter or pillar boxing (no black bars).

Guideline for the texts

Primary text: 125 characters 

Headline: 27 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Description: 27 characters


Technical requirements

Video duration: 5 to 15 seconds

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Minimum width: 120 pixels

Minimum height: 120 pixels

Facebook Ads Size: Marketplace Ad

Facebook Marketplace is a place where people can buy and sell their products. While a Facebook Marketplace ad is essentially the same as any other ad on Facebook, there is one significant difference for the advertiser. People go to Facebook Marketplace with the intention of buying, so they are more likely to take notice of your ad than probably anywhere else on Facebook.

Facebook Ads Image Size for Collection Ads

Recommended image size: 1200 x 1200 pixels

Image ratio: 1:1

Image Text: No more than 20%

Image file types: JPG or PNG (Note: animated GIFS should be uploaded as a video ad)

Guidelines for the texts

Text: 125 characters (if there is no link)

Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Link Description: 30 characters

Technical requirements

Maximum file size: 30 MB

Minimum width: 600 pixels

Minimum height: 600 pixels

Aspect ratio tolerance: 3%

Facebook Ads Video Specs for Collection Ads

File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Ratio: 1:1 (for desktop or mobile) or 4:5 (for mobile only) 

Video settings: H.264 compression, square pixels, fixed frame rate, progressive scan and stereo AAC audio compression at over 128 kbps

Resolution: At least 1080 x 1080 pixels 

Video captions: Optional, but recommended

Video sound: Optional, but recommended

Recommended to upload the highest-resolution source video available without letter or pillar boxing (no black bars).

Text recommendations

Primary text: 125 characters (If theres no link)

Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Description: 20 characters


Technical requirements

Video duration: 240 minutes (max)

Maximum file size: 4 GB

Minimum width: 120 pixels

Minimum height: 120 pixels

Facebook Ads Size: Stories Ad

Facebook Ads Image Size for Stories

Recommended image size: 1080 x 1920 pixels

Image ratio: 1:1

Image Text: No more than 20%

Image file types: JPG or PNG (Note: animated GIFS should be uploaded as a video ad)

Facebook Ads Video Specs for Stories

File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Ratio: 1.91 to 9.16

Video settings: Leave 250 pixels at the top and bottom free from text and logos

Resolution: Highest possible resolution

Max Video Length: 15 Seconds

Max Video File Size: 4 GB

Facebook Ads Size: Instant Articles Ad

A relatively new opportunity on Facebook, now open to all publishers, is to create Instant Articles. Instant Articles is a tool designed for media publishers to distribute fast, interactive articles to their readers within the Facebook mobile app and Messenger. Instant Articles can load up to ten times faster than standard mobile web articles.

Facebook ads image size for Instant Articles 

Recommended image size: 600 x 600 pixels

Image ratio: 1:1

Image Text: No more than 20%

Image file types: JPG or PNG (Note: animated GIFS should be uploaded as a video ad)

Headline: 40 characters (any more will appear truncated)

Link Description: 20 characters

Facebook Ads Video Specs for Instant Articles

File type: MP4, MOV or GIF 

Ratio: 1:1

Video settings: Leave 250 pixels at the top and bottom free from text and logos

Resolution: Highest possible resolution

Max Video Length: 240 minutes

Max Video File Size: 4 GB


Facebook In-stream Video Ads




About ads in Marketplace | Meta Business Help Centre (facebook.com)

Facebook Image Pixel Guide: 

Recommended minimum image pixel requirements across placements | Meta Business Help Centre (facebook.com)

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