Build Your Digital Marketing Portfolio

Digital Marketing Portfolio

Imagine you want to buy some product or want to invest. Before investing the money, you will see the product or judge if it is worth it! The same goes for the digital marketing sector as well. Before anyone hires you or gives the project to you, they would definitely want to know if you are fit for the role or not!

I have worked for over 4 years in the digital marketing sector and currently working as head of media buying in a reputed media buying agency in Bangladesh! Do you know what helped me here the most? The answer is— A strong and organized digital marketing portfolio. But what is a digital marketing portfolio? Fear not! In this blog, I will share with you how I built my digital marketing portfolio which helped me to get my dream role! 

What is a Digital Marketing Portfolio? 

Before talking about a digital marketing portfolio, you should know what a portfolio is. A portfolio is like a collection of your work. It is often associated with writers and artists. A digital marketing portfolio, as the name suggests, is a portfolio for digital marketers where they showcase their best projects or work. 

It showcases your experience, skills, and the job that you have done so far. A digital marketing portfolio also can portray your values, interests, and knowledge! 

Why do you need a Digital Marketing Portfolio?

For a digital marketer, it’s always best to have a digital marketing portfolio. You may be wondering why, right? Here are some of the reasons:

Showcasing Skills and Experience

In a digital marketing portfolio, you can showcase your skills and experience. These skills can help your recruiter to understand your capabilities. 

Building Trust 

The Digital Marketing sector has become highly competitive. Nowadays everyone is claiming themselves as the best. So it is becoming difficult for the recruiters to trust the candidates. Here a digital marketing portfolio helps to increase trust while showcasing the best work. 

Visual Representation

A digital marketing portfolio helps you to represent your work visually. Often it becomes hard to explain works verbally. In a portfolio, you can add proof, and metrics and organize a well visual representation of your work. 

Types of Digital Marketing Portfolio

The most common digital portfolio formats- 

Portfolio Website

You can build a website showcasing your work. It is the most popular way of building a digital marketing portfolio. 


  • Shows that you take your profession very seriously.
  • Allows people to connect with you.

Social Media Portfolio 

Some people build their social media platforms as their portfolios. LinkedIn is a good platform for building a digital marketing portfolio! 

PDF portfolios

You can also build your portfolios in PDF format. 


  • You can create a portfolio with the tools you already know.
  • In many fields, this is the standard

What should be included in a digital marketing portfolio?

You can build the portfolio as you want but here are some important components that you should consider adding: 

About Section

A basic component that you should in include in your digital marketing portfolio is the About section. 

It gives a visitor an idea of who you are, what you do, and some basic idea of your interests. 

In the About section you can include:

  • Name
  • Photo
  • Short paragraph on Yourself
  • Hobby 
  • Interests, etc

Add interesting facts about yourself and show your personality! 

Work samples and case studies

This segment is very important for your digital marketing portfolio. Try to showcase your best work here. Add visuals, reports, and the outcome that you have generated for the company. Emphasize the outcome as companies can evaluate you on that basis. 

You can also include case studies related to your segment. In the case studies add the problem statement, details of work, and how your work impacted. Try to portray your skills like critical thinking ability, and technical and soft skills. 

Services and skills 

You should include a part where you will mention the skills you possess and the services you provide. 

Contact Information

It’s important to have a clear, easily findable section that provides your contact details. After all, that’s what you want people to do! 

This section includes

  • Email address
  • Resume
  • Address 
  • Phone number, city (optional) 

How to create a marketing portfolio: A step-by-step guide

Here are some guidelines for building a digital marketing portfolio. Let’s consider you are building a website portfolio for better understanding. But the strategies that I am mentioning, you can use for other types of portfolios as well. 

Choose a hosting platform

First, decide on the hosting platform for the website. Very few digital marketers build the website from scratch and the rest of them, look for templates. 

Choose your template and start working on it. 

Here are some of the popular content management systems for digital marketing portfolios: 

Build the Website

Figure out, how you want to organize your portfolio. You can make a one-pager or multiple-pager website. Outline and decide where you want to show what type of content. Build the website depending on the outline. 

Write content

After you build the website or structure it, start writing the content. You can make a draft on doc or word at first. Write the contents in a way that grabs the attention of the visitors. 

Showcase Your Best Work

Some digital marketers tend to put every single work on a portfolio. Rather than showing everything, show your best work. Try to describe the work and add success stories. 

You can consider adding the following things to this segment

  • Project Name
  • Details
  • Your contribution
  • Outcome and Impact
  • Strategies that you have taken
  • Innovative ideas 

Don’t forget to add images, visuals, and graphs. 

SEO Optimization

One important step is to optimize the website with relevant keywords. The goal of the digital marketing portfolio is not only to show your best work but also to attract new clients and visitors. Hence, SEO optimization plays a big role here. Target the relevant keywords related to your skill set and optimize the website. 

Get Feedback and Monitor

After all the step is done, get feedback from the experts and continuously track the performance. Also, update your website and keep up to date! 

Promote Your Portfolio

You should promote your digital marketing portfolio on your social media platforms and get traffic initially. Present the portfolio whenever you are applying to any job or project. 

Digital Marketing Portfolio Example and Breakdown

I want to give you an example of my digital marketing portfolio in detail so that you can relate. 

So, I have a digital marketing portfolio which is a website. Check it out here: Raiyaan Ehab Shams- Marketer, Media Buyer, Content Creator 

01. In the first segment you will see the ‘About Me’ section where I have shared about myself. I added a quote as well that reflects my philosophy on this field.

Digital Marketing Portfolio

02. The next segment that I have added is my workplace and work experiences.

Digital Marketing Portfolio

03. For SEO Optimization I have targeted some relevant keywords. I have also started to write a blog to share my knowledge with all of you. This will also give credibility to my clients as well.

Digital Marketing Portfolio

04. At last, you will find my contact information.

Digital Marketing Portfolio

I hope you have found the way to start building your digital marketing portfolio. Share this blog with your friend who is also struggling to build one!

A digital marketing portfolio is a collection of your best work showcasing your digital marketing skills and experience.

To create a digital marketing portfolio website, choose a hosting platform, select a template, write compelling content highlighting your best work, optimize for SEO, and promote your portfolio.

A digital portfolio should be visually appealing, well-organized, and showcase your skills and achievements with data and metrics.

Yes, a digital marketing portfolio is essential to land jobs or freelance work in the field by demonstrating your capabilities and credibility.

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